Information about 2025 applications will be available soon.
Award value increased this year:
NSERC has increased the value of the award to a minimum of $9800.00 (from $6,000). The supervisor and/or department must still contribute a minimum of 25% to the award value.
As part of the 2023 pilot Undergraduate Research Grant Program, the VPR will provide an additional top-up to each award to increase the salary rate to $17.50 per hour. However, the minimum supervisor contribution will remain as calculated to meet minimum wage requirements. Please note an additional 4% vacation pay will be applied to the base salary/hourly rate entered for the contract for employees with less than five years of employment (if five or more years, different rules may apply).
Typically, USRA award recipients are expected to work full time (35 hours per week) for 16 weeks (from May 1 to August 31). Awards may not be deferred.
NSERC will honour the full value of the award regardless of the length of the work term. A minimum supplement from the supervisor and/or department of at least 25% of the value of the award is still required.
For NSERC USRAs: Institutions may recommend applications from self-identified Black student researchers for USRA’s beyond their allocations of awards (akin to the current process already in place for Indigenous students).
The NSERC USRA provides undergraduate students the opportunity to work in a research lab during the summer. Details of the program, including eligibility can be found at
Each year the Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences receives an allotment of NSERC Undergraduate Summer Research Awards (USRA) from the Office of Research Services. Supervisors are not required to hold an active grant when applying to supervise a USRA student. There are no restrictions on who can supervise a USRA student, provided the university deems the Queen’s faculty member eligible to supervise students, but our committee will only consider applications from supervisors with appointments in DBMS.
NSERC recommends that applications are evaluated by the following criteria
- Academic record of the applicant
- Research aptitude of the applicant
- Expected quality of the training to be received; may include suitability of supervision and research environment.
You will find a listing of DBMS Faculty and their research interests at: Biomedical and Molecular Sciences Faculty
To maintain an efficient, fair, transparent, and equitable process to both the applicants and the sponsoring principal investigators, the following guidelines are provided: